History of the Brazilian Court Hotel

Brazilian Court Hotel Closes For Sea- son Following a successful season the Brazili- an Court closed Friday although a few guests are remaining for a day or two long- er. The Brazilian Court is always one of the earliest to open and latest to close of the resort hotels. Elliott Bishop, who operates the hotel, is leaving shortly with Mrs. Bishop for Wa- ter Mill, L. I., where he will open his Sev- en Ponds Inn, May 27. In June he will be joined by Dudley Doe and his orchestra, to play again at the Seven Ponds and at the popular new Merry - Go - Round night club. Palm Beach Daily News , February 24, 1939: Brazilian Court When Palm Beach breezes carry too broad a hint of chill, the Brazilian Court Hotel becomes one of the most attractive places in the resort. Guests and their friends assemble in the pine paneled bar with its cheering log fire, and after cock- tails move on to the Bamboo room where the temperature is in keeping with the jungle murals which adorn the walls. Cool, Shifting winds are no deterrent to the Palm Beachites who make it a point to be present for every buffet supper of the season at the Brazilian Court Hotel. Al- most two hundred assembled Sunday night for this popular feature, and found comfortable places awaiting them in the sheltered patio and on the cloister where the buffet always has a place of promi- nence. Entertainment was provided by Dudley Doe and his orchestra. Entertaining there Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Strong Mulford who are occupying their penthouse for the season. Palm Beach Daily News, March 22, 1940: Brazilian Court To Have Many For Buffet Supper With holiday houseparties in progress throughout the resort, many hostesses are 1939 1940 Palm Beach Daily News, March 12, 1940: Brazilian Court

Montauk Manor, Montauk Long Island, New York

planning to take their guests to Brazilian Court on Easter night for the buffet sup- per. This informal weekly event will at- tract many of the younger set who are in Palm Beach for their spring vacation. Pleasant Palm Beach evenings make the patio at the hotel an ideal spot for dining. Although the season is drawing to a close the Brazilian Court Hotel, under direction of Elliott F. Bishop, still is operating at capacity. During the past week a few rooms have been available for late visi- tors and many of the season guests are prolonging their stays. On Sunday night the last buffet supper of the season at the hotel will attract hundreds of colonists and guest. Elaborate preparations are be- ing made to take car of the many who will wish to take advantage of this oppor- tunity to dine once again on the Cloister or in the beautiful tropical patio. Dudley Doe and his orchestra will play.

The Palm Beach Post, March 30, 1940:

In the summer of 1940 the furnishings in the older north half of the BC were replaced and some remod- eling completed. Elliott F. Bishop returned for his tenth year as manager. During the summer months he managed the Montauk Manor on Long Island. Many guests followed him to Palm Beach. Entertainment at the BC was provided by Dudley Doe and his orches- tra.


With war looming on the horizon the nightlife was still going strong in the Palm Beaches. This would


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