History of the Brazilian Court Hotel

ration of Condominium, a state requirement, was filed. The Texas investors who currently owned the hotel would no longer be involved once all of the condominium sales became final.

The complete interior was gutted leaving only the exterior walls. Because of its landmark status there could be no exterior alterations other than paint. The exterior became a pastel yellow. Several meeting rooms were added. Two restaurants, one casual and the other formal, were integrated into the plans. In preparation for the reopening the alco- holic beverage license transfer was approved by the Palm Beach Town Council from Hibiscus Hotel Corp. to Brazilian Court Hotel Acquisition Inc. on December 11. The new executive chef David Woodward formerly of the Four - Ways Inn in Bermuda, introduced spe- cialties such as Maine lobster broth with fresh truf- fles, seared escalope of salmon with sweet basil and grilled veal steak with caramelized apples and stil- ton. The renovations were said to more than double the purchase price. A newspaper headline in the Palm Beach Daily News on December 22, 1985 stated "Brazilian Court Has $8 Million New Look." An ad in the Palm Beach Post dated November 15, 1985 was indicative of the new facilities by offering employment in twenty different positions. These ranged from assistant front office manager and exec- utive secretary to cooks and housekeepers. The hotel renovations had necessitated a huge turnover in per- sonnel. In 1985 David Semadeni, formerly of Sheraton Corp. and Four Seasons Hotels, was hired as General Man- ager of the Brazilian Court Hotel. Within a year the hotel garnered a four - star rating by the Mobil Travel Guide for the first time. In March of 1987 the Ameri- can Automobile Association awarded the BC their Four Diamond Award which is only given to those properties that "significantly exceed AAA require- ments in most physical and operational categories." Semadeni also guided the hotel into a profitable year - round business in 1989. On opening day the BC discovered they had a short- age of bed sheets. The competing Breakers Hotel stepped - in and sent over enough sheets for the BC to get by. The hotel reopened Friday December 20, 1985.


Now Serving, a food review in the Palm Beach Post Times , entitled "Service needs face lift at the Brazili- an Court" was published January 31, 1986. The hotel received 4 stars on food, 2 stars on service and 3.5 stars on atmosphere. The main gripe of the reviewer was that none of the waiters seemed to know their business. Most of the food received a good rating, but some of the salads and desserts were considered bland. In a Palm Beach Daily News article dated March 23, 1986, David Semadeni, the new BC manager, com- mented, “ I had never been here before. I just came here and stayed. When I walked into the courtyard I said I have to do this one. ” He planned to blend th old and the new at the BC making sure the features everyone like are retained like eating in the court- yard. “ The food must be terrific. We start with a good product like fish, and we don ’ t mess with it too much, ” Semadeni added. Former owner of the BC meanwhile was opening a new venture in Palm Beach Gardens. The Harbour, a 10 - acre shopping complex on PGA Boulevard would feature the Restaurant St. Trop operated by Dennis Heffernan. An April 6, 1986 Palm Beach Daily News article by Millie Wolff commented: The Brazilian Court Hotel is high class, first class and world class. She has all the ingre- dients of a vintage wine, and she is for con- noisseurs. She is smooth, has sparkle and enjoys subtle ambiance that indicates ele- gance, style and good breeding. ….. Those who care for the Brazilian Court for what it was and what it is will find the out- door dining patio knows (sic) as the Foun- tain Courtyard intact with dining in the near future. The North Courtyard leading to the pool remains more or leass a private area for guests. It will be planted with flowers indig- enous to the area and the many variety of palms will remain to delight the most so-

In December 1985 the Brazilian Court Hotel Decla-


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