WPBFD History

1898 The appearance of the fire department building be- came a public concern in 1898. Funding for the Alerts was minimal and the fire hall was sorely in need of a new coat of paint. An article in the July 7, 1898, Tropical Sun brought the matter to the attention of the citizens. 1900 At the turn of the century southern Florida, in com- parison with other areas of the country, was still sparsely populated, especially in the summer season. Flagler's wealthy tourists only visited in the winter, leaving the sweltering summers for heartier folks. The Alerts put out a fire in the Masonic building in December of 1900. The Harmonia Lodge #138 F.&A.M. sent a formal resolution thanking the fire company on December 27. The first substantial water mains used for fire pro- tection in West Palm Beach were laid in 1900 and 1901. These were certainly welcomed by the firemen even though they were limited to a small area in the downtown district. 1901 Jacksonville had been the tourist capital of Florida during the latter half of the 1800s. The extension of Flag- ler's railroad southward to Palm Beach and Miami marked the end of a colorful era for the aging north Flor- ida city. Trains rolled through Jacksonville loaded with passengers seeking warmer climes and luxury to the south. On May 3, 1901, as if finally accepting its loss, fire swept through Jacksonville virtually destroying the downtown and its once popular resort hotels. Losses to- talled fifteen million dollars and seven lives. Memories of this fire would help to upgrade the water distribution system in West Palm Beach more than twenty years later. By the end of 1901, citizens of West Palm Beach began to seriously question the capabilities of the existing fire protection. A letter to the council requested that they look into providing additional equipment, improving the water supply, and forming an efficient fire department. Savings from reduced fire insurance would enable citi- zens to pay increased taxes for support of the fire depart- ment. No doubt the recent disaster in Jacksonville played a large part in these concerns.


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