WPBFD History

City Ho.ll

No'9l!l7\ber 7. 1928

!)ur1Dg the !las' six mon'tha I han baen nl1llOyecl b,. 'bI1a1n••• 18n in thla 01',. (J)m:!.:J; to JIll off1oe mat1ng an ettcrt to ('Jolleot bUll) of Cit,. employe••• N s 1s to e.ctv1se 1011 that 1 t wW be DOoe:l8U'J that .u ,-our eupl.oJMa 111 ,our Dopartmlnt pq tbtu b1l1a j,lJ'OL'Tpt17. othllt"\rl.ae 1t wU1 be neoeall8.1"J' f'oJ" you to :r:'O'i'lnae them b7 emp1D:;'M. 'libo 'I'11U pa;r their biU•• .A:tq cCJID,91tdnt trom WaIMS. men 111 the Clt,. of West ?alm .Boom oCl!11l1S 'to me about 0\1J" ~ •• DOt tn_ttD« tl:B1r obl1satilons ?1"CIn'?tl'J. I .ball haft to adylse the Departl!lent Bead to emplDy othcs to take t hair ,laae.


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