WPBFD History

shown the fire insurance companies will pat us on the back, incidentally lower rates and point to us as a model for other fire departments. This is no idle, vapory, magnified imagination, but something that will become a solid fact.. . . Mr. Citizen, - by that name I mean every body who lives in the town - is not your house just a liable to burn down as your neighbors? Then why expect your neighbor to pay for both of you. Come and give us your mite in the right spirit and it will be acceptable. . . . . I am enclosing a letter from Mr. Enoch Root, which the fire company desires to have pub- lished, to show their appreciation of the same. Very truly yours, FRANK C. GARDNER Sec'y W.P.B.F.D. The struggling association found a potential bene- factor in the person of Henry Morrison Flagler. At the association meeting held September 23, 1902, a letter re- ceived from Mr. Flagler encouraged the company mem- bers. The letter stated in part: . . . you may rest assured of my hearty approval of the enterprise, together with my promise of something more substantial whenever you have worked the problem out. My apprehension is that you may not have planned as much of a building as your enterprising village deserves. Yours truely, H. M. Flagler After reading the letter from Flagler, Mr. McGinley stated that he had replied and enclosed a copy of the plans of the proposed fire hall and gym. He had also told Flag- ler that the department required $6,000 for the project. The positive effect was immediate as several citi- zens stepped forward to join the rolls at the end of the meeting. These included Hiram Gunter, Ben H. Doster, T. D. Brown, A. P. Anthony, A. L. Haugh and G. G. Strohm. Brown donated a healthy $5 as he signed on the rolls. The secretary thanked him on behalf of the volun- teers. Another benefactor promised to financially assist the new company. Joseph Jefferson, a prominent actor, owned extensive properties in West Palm Beach. In Sep- tember he announced that he would donate $100 toward funding the organization and an additional $50 each year. The meeting of September 30, 1902, was held in the hall over the Free Reading Room. Eighteen members were present as ordinances of West Palm Beach pertain-

torch boy, nearly fifty years ago. And now, al- though past taking an active part, memory leads me to fully sympathize with "the boys" in their effort and aspirations. Enclosed please find check for five dollars. I only wish that I could make it more. Every property owner should donate some- thing, and you need the money now at the start, as much of the future depends upon a successful commencement. With all good wishes, I am, Very truly yours, ENOCH ROOT A committee was then appointed to obtain permis- sion from the town council to build on the city lot. A plan of the proposed hall, drawn by Mr. Hamer, was presented and seemed to earn the approval of all present. Another committee was appointed to secure a temporary hall. Then Chief Chambers, in a few words, urged the "boys" to give the fire department their earnest and loyal support, as much depended upon the good start which he hoped they would give the organization. Frustration in raising the necessary funds was mounting as evidenced in excerpts from a letter published in the September 12, 1902, Tropical Sun : Editor Tropical Sun, Please allow me a few lines in this issue of your paper to touch upon a matter of public in- terest and importance. I have reference to the embryo fire department. For a number of years Dame Fate has looked down upon our town with a favoring eye, but it is not wise to tempt her. For this reason a fire company has been organized, composed of a body of young, able bodied men who are now under the leadership of a capable captain of their own choice. The business end of the de- partment will also be well taken care of by young business men of the right calibre who will stand by the organization both in times of prosperity and in times of adversity. Now Mr. Citizen, Mr. Public Spirit and Mr. Local Business Man, it is up to you; your move next. The finance committee of the department will call on you in a few days to ask you for a subscription. Already the tendrils have been thrown out all over these United States on your behalf, to obtain the necessary sinews to con- duct the fire department in a manner that will give it a name all over the State in such a way that we will be quoted as the par excellence of fire companies; in such a way that by the results


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