WPBFD History

the fire department had already purchased. It was sug- gested that an additional hose reel might be obtained from the East Coast Hotel Company which had several not in use. F. L. Fontanne and Frank C. Caldwell were accepted as new members. The fire hall still had not been vacated by the previous tenants. A fundraising Thanksgiving Ball was planned at the meeting of November 9. Admission would be 50 cents. A 25 cent fine was implemented on all members absent from drills or meetings without a sufficient excuse. There was some good financial news for the mem- bers at the November 30, 1902, meeting. The Thanksgiv- ing Ball had brought in gross receipts of $103. After all expenses had been met, the treasury showed a balance of approximately $75. The theater had been contributed by Mr. Beck, and the Lake Worth Band had made no charges

ing to the fire department were incorporated into the by- laws. It was moved and passed that "All officers of the Department shall be elected at the last regular meeting in December of each year." New members admitted were T. Ernest, P. H. Willson, and Milton Dick. The town purchased an alarm system to summon the men in case of fire. On October 7, 1902, the new whistle made its debut on the roof of the ice plant. Volunteers counted the blasts to determine in which district the fire was located. The whistle remained in service until 1926 when a new system was instituted. Twelve members reported to the meeting October 14, 1902. They received encouraging news from Mr. McGinley. He had met with Mayor Burkhardt concerning problems with the temporary fire house and had been as- sured that notice would be served on the present tenants

for the excellent music furnished. Letters of thanks were sent for these and several other donors. Badges had been received at a cost of $15. Charles Scruggs was voted in as a new member. The next meeting was sched- uled at the fire hall. Chairs and other fur- nishings were to be purchased in preparation for the new meeting place. The meeting of Tuesday, December 15, 1902, was held at the frame house on the corner of Datura and Poinsettia, rented from the Farmer's Bank and used as a recreation hall by the volunteers. The chairs, pictures, and other furnishings were donated by the Women's Christian Temperance Union from their Good Will Cottage. Chief Chambers tendered his resignation "owing to his in- ability to do the department justice during the winter season." He had accepted a posi- tion in Palm Beach that would prevent him from giving proper attention to the depart- ment. Frank Caldwell also resigned at the meeting. R. S. Pike was admitted as a new member. An ad that appeared in the Tropical Sun during 1902 sheds light on the problems encountered in Florida's subtropical

to vacate. The mayor promised to have the building cleared of rubbish, the walls kalso- mined (whitewashed), and all necessary re- pairs made for the comfort and convenience of the firemen. The expenses of the work would be taken care of by the town council. McGinley also reported that: "the Mayor and other city officials were in full sympathy with the firemen, and seemed dis- posed to encourage them in every way pos- sible." Bills ordered paid included: The Tropical Sun for printing circulars - $2; The H. & W. B. Drew Company for record and letter book - $2; G. W. Idner & Son for letter file - 50 cents; drayage bill for hauling the hand engine from the water works - 25 cents. Attendance was the main subject at the meeting of October 21, 1902. Foreman O'Beirne made some remarks about the im- portance of members attending the drills and meetings, mentioning that "there were only a few who were prompt in these duties." Chief Chambers made a motion that, "the absence from a drill or meeting three consecutive times, without good and suffi- cient excuse, would subject any member to

Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic


expulsion." The motion passed as an amendment to the by-laws. The nine members present voted Dennis Fenton as a new fireman. Thirteen members appeared at the next meeting Oc- tober 28, 1902, with only four absentees. Treasurer Fa- ber reported a balance of $1.86 in the treasury. The by- laws had been printed and a copy provided for each mem- ber. The gymnasium committee reported that an order had been placed for equipment, including a wrestling mat made of moss, at a cost of $15. Members decided that a bill would be sent to the town council for equipment that

The Best Prescription for Malaria chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a taste- less form. No cure, No pay. Price 50 cents. 1903 The West Palm Beach Fire Department elected new officers at the January 10, 1903, meeting. McGurley was


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