WPBFD History

the old saying "It takes ten atta boys to make up for one aw shit" dates back to Sadler's grading system of 1940.

Section 6. Officers shall maintain a proper reserve and exact a proper respect in all official relations with their subordinates, being careful to abstain from violent or abusive language in giving orders and directions as well as when engaged in conversation with them. Section 10. All members of the department shall present a neat and cleanly appearance while not actually engaged in work of a nature which would prevent them from doing so and which would require them to appear otherwise. Section 21. No officer or member shall take any active part in politics other than to cast his ballot, nor shall they engage in any argument or dispute upon any religious or political subjects. Section 30. All members of the fire depart- ment must remember that they are gentlemen at all times, that is, they must refrain from the use of coarse, profane or insolent language or disre- spectfulness either to a fellow officer, superior officer, member or a citizen. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ARRIVING AT THE EFFICIENCY RATING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, DEMERITS SHALL BE CHARGEABLE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Being discourteous .. .25 3. Late reporting for duty ....5 4. Improperly answering of the telephone....5 8. Making a false official report ....25 9. Inefficiency in your work.....5 10. Neglect of duty; inattention .....15 12 Neglect to appear clean and tidy at all times.5 15. Cowardly action .....25 20 Leaving station when on duty, w/o permis sion...10 21. Using coarse, profane or insolent lan guage...25 23. Wilful maltreatment of any person...25 26. Criticizing official action of a superior offi cer...25 28. Neglect to pay a just indebetedness…10 32. Failing to read daily bulletin...........5 34. Disloyalty to the Head of the Depart ment...15 35. Disloyalty to the City of West Palm Beach...15 There was also a list of "Merits" where points were awarded for proper conduct. The merits were a much shorter list and lower in value than the demerits. It is unknown exactly how the system worked, but perhaps


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